wohooo. it feels so good not having to wake up early in the morn at 7 and drag myself to work and taking the 1 hr of bus ride tt makes me feel so sick. yayys. i'm finalli done w my assignment for 2 wks and i'm free again. but due to my efficiency (yeah right), i manage to finish my work within 7 daes. so yeaps, :D FREEDOM. phew.
anyws, yest attempted to go cycling w tinawu to exercise end up into a eating outing. it was reali sad cos it's raining and the floor is all wet :( w the tree branches all over lor. and it's a working wkdae so the whole park was pretty isolated. and thn we were cycling 1/2way and it started raining. our $6 not fully utilised. but nonetheless, i wan to make a recommendation of this japanese restaurant! :D they're reali good. it's my first time gg to waraku east coast and thumbs up for there services. when u go in, pratically everyone in the restaurant will scream "sumimasen!" and "arigato!" when u walk out of the restaurant. how enthu can they be. for once, i reali feel it's quite worth the 10% service charge i paid. and the food was good too! and the menu looks so overwhelming that i had a hard time thinking wad i wan to eat! so pics up! :D

i tink the display are reali like "woahhhhhhh~~~"
my curry don! :D
anyws, yest attempted to go cycling w tinawu to exercise end up into a eating outing. it was reali sad cos it's raining and the floor is all wet :( w the tree branches all over lor. and it's a working wkdae so the whole park was pretty isolated. and thn we were cycling 1/2way and it started raining. our $6 not fully utilised. but nonetheless, i wan to make a recommendation of this japanese restaurant! :D they're reali good. it's my first time gg to waraku east coast and thumbs up for there services. when u go in, pratically everyone in the restaurant will scream "sumimasen!" and "arigato!" when u walk out of the restaurant. how enthu can they be. for once, i reali feel it's quite worth the 10% service charge i paid. and the food was good too! and the menu looks so overwhelming that i had a hard time thinking wad i wan to eat! so pics up! :D

yup yup.
so well, gg to cut my :S yucky hair todae!
hai. seriously i'm spending much more than wad i'm earning right now. :( gotta save up soon!
on a sadder note, tina was saying i'm becoming more depressed aft i started working. :( omgawds. i seriously tinks so. not that i'm reali suffering frm depression lah. but sometimes i actualli miss my own laughter when i'm at work. i seriously hope that the rest of my life wont be like tt. if nto i'll just kill myself. and btw, that's oso the reason why i'm so exceptionally delighted when i'm free! WHEEEHOO. it feels like the air i breathe in smells good too (ok lame).
and on a happier note, my F21 top has arrived on mon! whee hoo. cheap and in good condition! and, the best thing is tt i can actualli fit into a F21 size M. *hand claps for me* and thn, my gojane mule has been shipped out too. 2 more wks i suppose. YAY. :D online shopping seriously rocks. but it's damn addictive. HELP.
ok i gotta go bathe and go down to my agency thn meet ms yeow for her lunch. goodbye peeps!
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