Wednesday, January 03, 2007

3rd dae of 2007 and i don seem to like the year at all.
firstly, to many of us out there, 2007 means ADULT FARE. sobbbbbbbb. and it's reali eating into me lah! :((((((
secondly, i hate the feeling that there's no school todae.
and i get reali reali reali jealous seeing students in uniforms shopping in malls. i wish i was a student too. i miss my ugly brown uni and i miss shopping in my ugly brown uni.
thirdly, I'M BROKE. seriously my acct is depleting like don noe wad and i don even dare to check how much $ is there left in my bank acct.
forthly, my job is OH SO BORING. tt it's killing me silently. everydae, i go to work, check emails, reply them and sent them out to pple, and most of the time i'm trap in the 3 walls and staring into space. HAIIIIIII. I MISS SCH. :(:((((((((((((((

to brighten up things a little, i finalli signed up for the jap classes at the cc. :D yayyyyyys. starting this sat and i'm rather excited for it!

i've also decided to set aside some time to plan for my 2007 resolution!
1. learn japanese (which i've alr put forward the v first step to sign up for classes)
2. do skipping everydae and make use of the skipping rope eliza gave me (sorry i failed todae)
3. work on my money management (this is totally sucky cos my cash is depleting like don-noe-wad and the thing is i don even noe wher i've spent it on)
4. go swimming at least once every wk and starting working out the flabs

so basically, these are my resolutions right at this moment. thinking of facing the 3 walls back at the office tml is just killing me. HAI. i tink i shld stop complaining and start counting my blessings. anyws, i hope the donuts earrrings will b here tml. :D:D:D all the best pple!


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